(Obviously referencing Gary Jules here)
When the world opened back up nothing went back to normal.
People kept dying of drug use, poor health, and the sickness.
More young people were injecting themselves with who knows what.
So many people I cared about died. Maybe a hundred? I lost count. Several murdered, some burned alive…
Some old, some young, some I had known for more than ten years, some I had even known for twenty years.
Some of them I had ID’d after death to paramedics. Some of them my coworkers had to tend to. Some of those coworkers flew so far away to get away from all the horror we saw on a very constant basis, like migrating birds, my word.
And the young people are suffering more than anybody.
Love would help cure them but they need a release for their volatility and its hard to meet volatility with love. The system is so broken that prevention doesn’t seem like even part of the equation… but I know its worth a thousand pounds of cure.