Once I discovered Float Pods and the serenity associated with them I went to all of them in my city. The nicest one is also very reasonably priced.
They had silicone earplugs instead of foam ones, and Vaseline single packets (to protect cuts and scrapes from burny mc-saltwater) instead of a gross tub of communal finger goop that doesn’t ever get cleaned-ew, some of the places I went to were so many levels of disgusting!
The really nice one had top of the line fancy shampoo and conditioner, as well as a huge selection of lotions and all the amenities you didn’t know you needed. Everything was spic and span for every float and every float was a very enjoyable solitary experience of quietude.
The first time I definitely thought they forgot about me… That 90 minutes seemed sooo long, and I only started relaxing at the end right as it was time to go, so I felt like I needed even longer even though it felt like forever waiting for it to pass.
I was thankful for the little light water-orb I received for my first floats so I could have a light in the darkness. Over time I learned its just a form of stimulation in a place where there should not be any stimulation.
I am a neurotic, easily overstimulated person! Float pods were helpful for learning to calm down my spirit, around the same time I discovered meditation, so it all sort of ties together.